
在创纪录的开始之后,随后是近乎沉默的,大西洋飓风季节看起来比几个月前预测的气象学家更繁忙。周三国家海洋和大气管理局更新了2021 atl的前景

In January 2021, staff from the Ministry of Planning and Development’s Environmental Policy and Planning Division (EPPD), the Basel Convention Regional Centre (BCRC), the Solid Waste Management Company of Trinidad and Tobago (SWMCOL) and international agencies initiated pollution assessments of the Guanapo Landfill as part of a project focused on persistent organic pollutants (POPs).

规划部长Camille Robinson-Regis表示,Trinidad和Tobago通过内阁最近的废物管理批准,在环境发展议程中取得了另一个积极的跨越式发展

游戏守望者在开始职责时参加培训课程。照片:农业部,土地和渔业/ Facebook。
